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McEwan, Martinez, Dukes, Hall & Vancol, PA McEwan, Martinez, Dukes, Hall & Vancol, PA
108 E. Central Boulevard
Orlando, Florida 32801

Defense Verdict Obtained

Mary Jaye Hall and Tom Dukes obtained a defense verdict for Health First Medical Group, LLC in an eight-day trial ending in November, 2019. The case involved Gentamicin toxicity in patient with a devastating ankle fracture. The claim was that the trauma team failed to appropriately wean the patient from Gentamicin, which has potential vestibular issues as a known complication. The defense was that Gentamicin was necessary to save the patient’s foot after a severe open comminuted fracture. The case involved issues of orthopedic and trauma surgery and infectious disease. The case had been tried in 2015 to a hung jury. The jury determined there was no negligence by any of the Defendants we represented.

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