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McEwan, Martinez, Dukes, Hall & Vancol, PA McEwan, Martinez, Dukes, Hall & Vancol, PA
108 E. Central Boulevard
Orlando, Florida 32801
Home / Shenele E. Pettis

Shenele E. Pettis

Shenele E. PettisShenele E. Pettis received her Bachelor of Science degree in Family, Youth and Community Sciences from the University of Florida and her Juris Doctor degree from the University of Florida Levin College of Law. While receiving her Juris Doctor, Ms. Pettis was an active member of the Florida Moot Court Team and served as the team’s President. As a competitor during the 2013-2014 season, Ms. Pettis placed fourth in the nation at the National BLSA Moot Court competition. In 2015 she was selected by her team to be a member of the Order of Barristers and honored with the Moot Court Book Award. Ms. Pettis also received the Book Award for the highest grade in Interviewing, Counseling and Negotiation.

In addition to her involvement with moot court, Ms. Pettis was a certified legal intern for the Virgil Hawkins Civil Clinics. She also served on the board of governors for the Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division Law Student Division and was tapped as a member of the prestigious Florida Blue Key.